Section summary

English uses conjunctions like "and," "but," and "if," which are not easily translated in ASL. Instead of using these words, ASL relies on body language, hand placements, sentence structure, facial expressions, and body movements to convey the same meaning.

Verbs are complex in ASL, as they change based on tense, aspect, voice, and must align with the rest of the conversation. Understanding how verbs work in ASL helps simplify communication by recognizing and using appropriate verb forms. It's crucial to convey the right message without confusion or misinterpretation.

  • Conjunctions in English, such as "and," "but," "then," are challenging to reproduce in ASL.
  • Body language, hand placements, facial expressions, and sentence structure are used in ASL to convey conjunctions.
  • ASL verbs are complex and change based on tense, aspect, and voice.
  • Verbs in ASL must align with other parts of the conversation to convey the intended message accurately.
  • Understanding how verbs work in ASL helps learners choose the right verb forms.

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